Tom's FAQs

What do I wear during my appointment?

The most important thing to remember is to wear what you are comfortable in. Working with fascia is generally done with hands contacting skin. Most men wear underwear or shorts. Most women wear a 2 piece bathing suit or bra and underwear or shorts and a tank top. There are always extra sheets to cover areas that are not being worked on. Again the most important thing to remember is to wear what you are comfortable in. Nudity is not permitted, even if you are comfortable in your own skin. Please call with questions or concerns.

During your appointment we may work on one side of the body and have you stand up and compare movement between the side we just worked on and the side we have not worked on yet. This helps you discover the difference between the relaxed side that is moving more and and the side we have not worked on that is tighter and not moving as much. Leading you to be aware of the difference between your old habits and new more comfortable and efficient movement patterns, ergonomics and how to perform better in sports and daily activities.

Does it hurt?

No. Pain is often what motivates people to see me. Hellerwork with me is not a painful experience. "No Pain, No Gain" does NOT apply here.

I work to reduce and eliminate pain at your pace and comfort level while you learn to breathe, relax and let go in your whole body. Often that means starting with a very light touch and working deeper as you are comfortable. You can always tell me to lighten up, slow down or stop. You can always ask me to use more lotion.

Rates effective July 1, 2023

Basic Rate: 90 minute sessions are $285

New Client Special: First sessions are $30 off = $255 for a 90 minute session

Pre-Paid Special: 5 or more sessions 10% off (Nonrefundable. 3 month limit.)

Contact Tom

Find out how Hellerwork can help you achieve better health, comfort, and performance.